Sunday, August 8, 2010


I have been a bit stressed and not feeling like writing, but I know I should for those who follow me. So here goes..

Today is August 8th, a Sunday. I leave August 17th, a Tuesday. I stop counting the days before I leave that Sunday, the 15th, the day before the Monday I go to the hotel. So according to my calculations, I have 7 days left.

7 days before my life forever changes.

And I am stressed as fuck.

I have this weird thing where I don't quite process traumatic things. I just keep going. I don't allow myself time to grieve or think about what just happened because I am afraid doing so will dishearten me. So I immediately go to Plan B.
And I guess you can say that is what I have done yet again.

You see, my "final" courtesy weigh-in went horribly. I gained ONE POUND and the woman who taped me had me at an EXTRA FIVE PERCENT BODY FAT!! How does ONE POUND EQUAL to 5 PERCENT body fat, I will never know. But it looks like in the span of about 2 weeks, I went from 30% body fat, which is great because I had a 6% cushion, to 35%, and only having a 1% cushion. Which really is no cushion at all.
Why I didn't get kicked out the Navy right then and there, I don't know. I should have disputed those damn measurements. That doesn't make any damn sense! All I can say is God keeps having my back, but why can't He have my STOMACH?? In no way am I complaining. I do realize, and always have, that I will have to fight for this career in the Navy, but I just want my weight "issue" to be over!

I still workout everyday, but I have turned into a compulsive eater as well. I don't eat as often as I should, I have about one big meal a day, and still eat after 6pm. Laxatives don't really work. They cause me to bloat and put on water weight.

I do stomach wraps and workout in layers to sweat and get my "core" temperature up, but nothing seems to work for me. I can look at my body and see the weight I have put on and I don't know what to do.

I have 8 days until I go back to MEPS and they do another mini physical in which they will weigh and measure me again. If I don't meet the requirements there, I WILL NOT go to boot camp..

I would just die. What else would I do? What else can I do? I would be a wreck.

So I can't let that happen.

I'm trying.. But.. I don't know what else to do. I'm afraid. I am so close and yet so far. I thought I would be rid of this shit by now. But I am not.


Today I am working out and running twice, once alone and then with my friend. That's all I can do. Just keep it up. And watch what I eat.

I keep calculating different measurements for myself, "just in case." I need to know what could possibly happen. And I need to never have that shitty woman measure me again. I am afraid, but I truly don't feel as though I will not go to boot camp. No matter what, I will not surpass 35%. Technically, I didn't get to 35% this last time. The damn woman measured too low on my hips (story of my life!). But this next time, this last time, will be different. I WILL pass the body fat measurements at MEPS and I WILL go to boot camp and I WILL pass every single body fat, physical, and mental test they have! I am NOT coming home without a uniform!

Woooo saaaa..
I am having an anxiety attack over here. Pray for me. God, be with me. I want this. I do. I just need a bit of help.

~Sailor Taylor


  1. Prayers are happening lady. dont worry Missy, you wil be okay i promise. Im also worried but keeping the faith, i just feel as if it will all work out.

  2. You and I both have a lot riding on this!.. And similar body types lol. But we got this! I mean, we have come this far and that stands for SOMETHING, you know?? All this ain't for nothing! Nike was right in saying "Just do it!" True, you have to be aware and thoughtful as well, but sometimes that causes us to 2nd guess ourselves. I'm done 2nd guessing myself. We gotta be confident! And prayerful. Thank you:)
