Thursday, November 18, 2010

Classing Up

Today started the first day of Persian-Farsi classes for myself and a good number of others in other branches across the base.

Really, it was just an indoctrination of sorts. We never stepped foot in a class. Nor do we know how our class will be broken up (we have 6 students per teacher per learning group).

But I will say that while others are nervous and worrying about how hard the class will be, I am pretty damn excited. I welcome the challenge. Hell, this is what I signed up for!

Maybe it's my ignorance, but I don't fear the unknown. And I don't know how hard or easy this course will be for me. So why bitch and moan about it? And even if it is hard, all I have to do is study, get a tutor, and submerge myself in the language(I love Persian radio!!).

But I did not freak out or stress out in bootcamp, and I'll be damned if I do it here! Stressing screws me up, so I ain doin it. I perform well under pressure and stay calm at all times.
I'm just cool like that, yo!

And can I get say that I am *extremely* annoyed by those who worry?? I literally cannot stand that shit. What good is worrying going to do? Is it going to get you to your goal any quicker, or will your fears cause you to fuck up faster?? Ugh. Just shut up with the worrying and nervous shit. I hate it.
Needless to say, I stay away from people who worry. I just can't do it. I have no patience for it whatsoever and I will NOT be having their nervous shit rub off on me. And in order for me NOT to go off on my shipmates or classmates who so freak out, I quietly excuse myself before I blow up at them.
Not everyone feels the same as I do or is as cool I am, so I try to respect that. But don't you dare bring me down!

But I think my advantage over lot of people will be the fact I am SO damn single. It sucks, but while everyone is out and about being distracted my their sig others or devoting time to someone else or crying over the breakups that are sure to come or getting married and divorced 6 months later, I will be focused on homework and studying.
Yes, I see myself being quite lonely, but very successful. Kinda like Oprah, if you will lol.
They tell us all the time that we are here to learn a language and to do well within our respected branches. Everything and everyone else is irrelevant, and I think I got that part down lol. I wanna be the one everyone runs to for help because I got my shit down (for some reason I feel I will be really smart and good in class!! Ignorance?? Maybe. But fuck it:))
Persian is my boyfriend now. I'm focusing on him so the REAL men out there won't tear us apart (not like they're knocking at my door anyway!).
This has got to be one of the few times that being single trumps being attached.
They can have that shit. I pretty much only wanted sex anyway>;)
But now not even that will distract me:(

And at least while everyone is out and about spending money and going off base, I will be here hittin the books..
Which will really work out because Cali is expensive! I HATE spending money and being broke. I got bills, damnit! Ugh. I need to save more. It's like before you know it all my lil money is gone:( It shouldn't be this way.
So at least class will help me out with distracting me in a good way. I won't have to spend any money:)

Okay! This is it for now. Gonna go listen to some Persian radio and surf the net.

-Sailor Taylor

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