Monday, November 8, 2010

I Am A United States Sailor..

Well, hello there, My Online Stalkers! Long time no hear from, right??

Sorry for the delay. I actually graduated bootcamp on October 8th, 2010 and left RTC for Monterey, CA on October 13th.

My, what a completely SHITTY time it was. I mean I absolutely HATED bootcamp. I was soooo depressed. I felt ugly, hated, unloved, alienated, and every other negative feeling there is. Hardly anyone would write me! Lazy asses. Letters are what keep us going in bootcamp!
Ugh. I don't like thinking about bootcamp at all. I feel like I whored myself out and was redeemed and am now in the process of healing myself from my hellish past. Yes, it was that BAD. And, really, my issue was the fuckheads I was in the division with. Bootcamp itself was not that horrible. But the people there can SUCK IT.

Ugh.. As I continue on with my blog posts and am able to come to terms with all that is Recruit Training Command, I will gladly share stories of my misadventures in bootcamp.. If I can stomach it.

BUT now here I am in sunny California!!
Child, Monterey is cold, honey! Apparently, I did not do my research full out. Apparently, my country ass thought Cali would be paved in gold and love, and it is NOT.

Some days it looks like London here because it gets so damn foggy and gloomy. But no. I am simply on the other side of the damn country, far away from my home and family and I miss them.

Lord, I never thought I would miss my family or shitty ass Memphis as much as I do now.

It's hard out here for a Black Woman! And a Southern one at that. Someone who is very sensitive to racial relations. The ignorance of some of these people amazes me. It's not quite racism because some of these fuckheads, I can tell, genuinely think they have to use stereotypes to relate to me. Like, why do you feel the need to bring up grape kool-aid, fried chicken, watermelon, fingersnaps, and neck rolls to relate to me?? Yes, child!

And I am so lonely here. African Americans are few and far between here. Who can I relate to? Who will take me seriously and who will I not have to worry about racial ignorance or comments around?

The Defense Language Institute at the Presidio of Monterey is an Army base and all the branches of the military are here because this is THE place to go to learn a foreign language (I can tell you this because it's readily available on the internet and the websitie for the DLI). The other branches have more African Americans in them than the Navy does, but people are so clicky here. It's hard including oneself into another pre-determined group. But sometimes I want to because I miss my People! I am coming from a town that is rough and about 90% Black to here: a place where alot of people think it is okay to reference kool-aid and watermelon to me.
Every time I see a Black person, I want to run to them with arms wide open saying "Another Black person! Let us be friends!!"
Lol. Sad, but true.

Sidenote: Do you know one of these females here called my neighborhood, and therefore me, trash?! Honey, let's not forget this trash has hood-breed survival skills her bougie ass will never have. And this trash has a four year college degree! Don't forget that!

Anywho! I see myself staying mad focused for the year that I am here learning Persian-Farsi, the language of Iran (yep!). Work seems to be the thing that will hold me over until I leave this place.
I'll be damned if I don't get straight A's up in this piece!

But, yeah, back to me being lonely..
I am! Hell, bootcamp was so hard on me mentally. I got to wishing and thinking that maybe I should have gotten an honorary/temporary boyfriend to hold me over until I graduated so I could dump him afterwards! LMAO! But I'm for real, yal. It was tough on me.

I need healing of all kinds in this mug!

And do you know where is NO place for me to get my hair braided?! I have to go to the NEXT town over to find a decent hair braider! And I had to order the braiding hair from online because they don't carry the kind I need here! Thank God for Craigsllist and the internet. That's all I gotta say on that shit.

Okay, my random ass ramblings are over with for now. Sorry for the long ass delay. But can you tell this was therapudic for me?? It was.

More later!

Sailor Taylor

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