Monday, November 15, 2010

You Are Cordially Invited..

To read my damn blog!

Don't y'all feel special??

Due to the certain someone I mentioned in my last blog getting "upset" about her lil appearance, my shit is now private. Now, I love sharing my lil life with the world, but I'm not about to feel self conscious about what I write.

So I'll just have to invite who I want to read my words. And that blows, but it's what I have to do..

But really the entire situation is retarded because if ANYONE should be upset with what happened it should be ME. And I am.

Think about it: Here is this catty female who is from the same town as I, but the other side of the proverbial tracks. No one here at this base in our small group knows about Memphis or the neighborhoods within it. But she "randomly" starts talking about the "trashy" neighborhoods of Memphis and specifically and ONLY names my own, Orange Mound. But then she goes OUT of her way to say that I am from the aforementioned "trashy" neighborhood..

WHY do that? No one here knows anything about Memphis! No one here has a problem with me. At least I thought they didn't. And I didn't think I had issue with this superficial female. But I do now! Had a friend not told me, I never would have known the shit that came out of that heffa's mouth! I never would have seen her for the true piece of crap she is..
But, oh, shit does travel!

I mean, that was some fowl, low-down, dirty shit to pull. That hurt. She doesn't know me! She doesn't know my story or what the hell I been through or what I am capable of or my family or the sacrifices made..

All she knows is Class.

And, yes, I am from the Hood. But I am a thousand times more real that she will EVER be. Ever.

But, anyway, she apparently read my blog about her when it was public and got mad at me for calling her out.
I have free speech on this matter and why be mad?? She did it!
Don't be ashamed now.

But since then she has been trying to get in my good graces. She just can't keep her damn mouth shut. That's what got her on my shit list on the first place.
But now she tries to compliment me and stand up for me at bars. Like I need her.

Ugh. Just... stop.

But, long story short, that is why my blog is now private. Nosey evil-doers lol.

Anywho, this blog will go on regardless. This is just a lil update:)

-Sailor Taylor

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