Sunday, May 30, 2010

Praise Be To God, My LRP Got Approved!!

After having the shit scared out of me; after bitching about the Navy dragging it's ass with my paperwork; after constructing a Plan B, Plan C, and Plan D just in case my initial(and only, I might add) Plan A didn't work out, I got a wonderful, bless-ed phone call from one of my recruiters..

It was Tuesday, May 25th, the exact 3 month (or 90 day) marker until I ship out to boot camp. I was laying down and happened to text on of my recruiters about the status of my LRP. I needed to know SOMETHING and I knew the Navy had already made its decision, they just were taking their damn sweet time telling me..
But my recruiter said he would text me back when he found out something..
And then he didn't text me back, he actually called me..

He said, "I have great news. Your LRP got approved!..."

Uuuuhh...*Brain stops functioning..*

Wait, what?.. WHAT?! I was seriously dumbfounded for a few seconds. My body and mind got stuck on stupid. Did the Navy just proverbally drop 20 grand into my lap?!?


Oh, praise be unto God! For I know I am not perfect, am a borderline hedonist, am far from the Christian I should be, love premarital sex perhaps a *tiny* bit too much and I talk mad shit about people, but He had my back. And He took care of all $20,000.00 in student loans and debts I have... Wait, HAD. Teehee! *Childish giggles*

So where I didn't get a signing bonus, I got accepted into the Loan Repayment Program and got all 20 thousands dollars in debt taken care of. That's WAY damn more than what anybody is getting in signing bonuses these days! Or at all, for that matter..

Wow. I was and am truly speechless. I must be doing something right. True, I had to fight tooth and nail to get this but I got it. I didn't have too. Everything is lining up for me. So This, This being my Navy career, is in fact a part of God's Life Plan for me. And I thank God I have found my calling:)

Wow.. I basically went to college for free. How amazing is that?! Thank God I chose CTI as my rate because the LRP is dependent upon what rate you choose. Not everyone gets it. Hell, not everyone even gets the CHANCE to apply for the LRP, let alone get approved. And for that I am truly Blessed.

Thank you to all those men and women in uniform and on the civilian side who worked for and with me to get this. May God bless you.

~Sailor Taylor

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And So The Loneliness Sets In

I have exactly 3 months today until I ship out to boot camp (August 17th, a Tuesday) and here I am craving the one thing I just cannot have: Companionship.

I tried for so long to stay busy and fight off the feelings that festered deep inside me and yet, nonetheless, they still arose. I want someone. Someone to Love.

Yes, that dreaded "L" word.

Like Whitney said, "I wanna feel The Heat." But I cannot. For from where would this "Heat" come? What good would come of such a thing? I am still young and I imagine so would he, whomever this "he" would be. And a long distance relationship simply would not work. Not unless God called for it to be, and I don't think He would. He knows what is best, even if my heart does not.

But I want someone! I want what I have not had since before my ex left Memphis for the Navy and forever changed..
And that was three years ago, which may as well have been a lifetime ago. Or never occurred at all. It feels as thought it was but a short lived dream.

I've had minuscule, insignificant "relationships" since then but none like what he and I had. And I want that again. But better. I do not want that heartache again. I want Truth, which is what I fancied I had with him but in fact did not..

You know, there IS someone I have had my temporary sights set on even though we do clash at times(he's a know-it-all Virgo), but I don't want to hurt him by leaving him 3 months from now. Even he said he wanted to ask me out until I opened my mouth about joining the Navy. He said he doesn't do long distance relationships and I don't blame him. I imagine he cannot do much more after his own failed relationship. And we wouldn't stand the test of time, anyway...


I try to look for a guy to fill this void and all I find are losers, weirdos, and stalkers with rejection issues. No one worth my time or Me.
So, here I am, alone, feeling cold and with a trembling heart that just can't be sated.

Lord, help me. Show me the meaning of being lonely. Show me why you have allowed me to feel this way. Show me what to do because these feelings are certainly counterproductive.

Help me, please.

~Sailor Taylor

Monday, May 17, 2010

Brick Shat, Revisited

Okay, so no sooner do I type an angry blog about my LRP and how the Navy has screwed me over do I get some somewhat good news.

The day after I posted that blog I got a phone call from my recruiter saying that my paper work had a "G" next to it in the system, meaning that everything was okay.. With my paperwork, that is. Now it's the waiting game to see if the Navy will approve my packet, which they should.
I asked a fellow shipmate/former classmate who went through this crap before me how long she waited to get approved and she said like 2 MONTHS AFTER SHE PUT THE PACKET IN!! She then went on to say that the Navy drags their sweet ass time to give the green light because they actually approve the packet TWO DAYS after it is submitted.. Then why the hell do I have to wait two damn months to find out?? Thanks, Navy. Bravo Zulu:^(


And I asked my recruiter if I could go ahead and ship out early even though I am waiting on the verdict for my LRP and, you know, and find out later on in boot camp if I got it or not..
He said no. So my ass is stuck here for the next two months, at least. Hell.

But, since I am here and trying to ship out early, I was given "orders" (so to speak) by a Chief at MEPS to monitor my weight.. Which in my case means to lose weight. I was 164 when I joined. I am now 169.. Roughly.

So, yeah, I got my work cut out for me. I have to lose weight, remember my General Orders and re-remember the Sailor's Creed and the phonetic alphabet.. All the while writing papers for my Senior Chief and recruiter for money:) And let's not forget hanging out with beloved friends and family while I still can.

So, I'll be busy. I just need to stop fretting and get it together..

Peace, you guys:)

-Sailor Taylor

Fish Fillets and Tiger Balm

So of course I have no ice in my mini fridge so I am reduced to using a frozen fish fillet and Tiger Balm on my injured shin. Innovation, baby!

And you know what? This shit is actually working:) And in case you wondered, it's a tilapia fillet lol.

-Sailor Taylor

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Could Have SHAT A Brick!!

This is a potentially long story (but what isn't with me??), but I will try to keep it under wraps..

Due to Direct Loans and the Navy both fucking up and taking their damn sweet ass time, my loan may not get repaid by the Navy..

Let me explain..
Within 90 days after enlisting, I have to turn my Loan Repayment Packet(LRP.. Or something close to that) into the Navy to *request* that they pay my college loan off. It's an application packet that has to be filled out JUST SO. Any errors in it can either set me back or cause my loan repayment request to be denied. No one is guaranteed that they will automatically get their loans repaid. You have to apply for that perk. Ugh.

But guess what? I am in serious danger of not being within that 90 day time limit. I'm not exactly sure if it's 90 days after I enlisted or 90 days before I ship. Either way, my ass is in some sick limbo. I have been going back and forth with Direct Loans (the company that gave me my student loans) and the Navy for over a month about this shit. Really, I have been dealing with this crap since I joined back in January. This shouldn't have been the case. Both parties dropped the ball and here I am left getting ass fucked without so much as a kiss on the lips.

So when I came into the recruiting office this past Tuesday, my recruiters said that my situation is SO fucked up that they suggest that IF I don't get my loans paid off with the Navy's LRP, that I need to DROP OUT THE DAMN NAVY AND REENLIST TO BUY MYSELF MORE TIME TO GET MY LRP APPLICATION RESUBMITTED AND APPROVED. This situation is called "Trite." To trite is to be discharged from the Navy. I would be eligible to reenlist a month later and virtually start all over again. 5 months into my 8 month wait, they want me to drop out and start all over again?!

My heart stopped. I wanted to break down and cry.

After ALL I have been through they want me to drop out the Navy and "try again" to get my loans paid off?! This shouldn't be! If everyone was on their shit and acted as if their jobs actually depended on them doing their job, I would have not fallen through the cracks! But here I am, hoping and praying that my LRP gets accepted/approved and I am not suck with $20,000 in debt..

You know, initially I wanted to join the Navy regardless. It wasn't about being an officer, it was about being a NAVY officer and then about being IN the Navy. Period. But twenty-fuckin-thousand dollars puts a lot into perspective, ya know?! I didn't get a signing bonus. The economy is so bad they aren't giving those out anymore. But I was okay with that because I was getting all my loans paid off.. Or so I thought..

But what do I have now? Look at me. I am 23 year old college graduate who joined the Navy with no signing bonus and now there is a strong possibility that I may not even get my loans paid off.
What else is there for me? I sacrificed so much for this. I knew I wanted to join the military two years ago so I didn't get an internship in my field. I didn't get a career in graphic design because I thought I would be leaving here soon enough to "start my new life in the Navy..." I even didn't have a child because I wanted to be a sailor. The world was waiting on me, so I thought. I couldn't be a mother. Not yet..

But here I am.. Almost screwed and weighing my options..
What am I going to do now?

Well, I could trite and reenlist. Or I could join the Army as an officer. At least they would take care of me, right? Or I could stay in the Navy regardless and pay my loans off month by month the old fashioned way.. But WHY do that when THE NAVY SHOULD BE PAYING IT OFF?!? Uuuuuggggghhhhh!! Shit like this makes my ass itch and my head hurt:(

I'll keep you guys posted but something has got to give. Pray for me, yall!

~Sailor Taylor

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This Mo-Fo Cheated!

So, VERY long story short that I do not feel like getting into because I am lazy, Alec's bitch ass cheated on me! Sure, I was cheating all along (teehee), but it's a damn double standard! I do what I want, but don't you dare do what you want, Alec! Fuck no. Lol.

So, basically, I got a message on MySpace (yes, I still have a MySpace. It's about to get deleted after THIS shit) from some random white bitch in GEORGIA talking about Alec is her boyfriend and that she found me on his page and she wants to know who I am. Random snoopin' bitch. All up on my page!


Of course he denied me to her and denied her to me. But I could tell he really wanted that fat, gullible white heffa after how bad he treated me when me and her got into it. He was obviously on her side because she was stupid enough to take him back. I mean damn. How stupid and weak do you have to be?
He'd been sending the broke bitch money and everything. I'm just mad I didn't get some of that lil E-4 money too! LMAO! So all of us had words and I left him and her alone once I got tired of them entertaining me with their petty shit.

The NERVE of some people! So apparently he had been with this white skank for over a year. So he came into our relationship cheating but wanting me to be faithful. BISH, PLEASE! I postponed going to boot camp for him! I could have been there now! But nooooo. My crazy ass wanted to "wait" on him so I could actually meet him..

Oh, get this. That white hoe had NEVER MET Alec's bitch ass. Neither have I! He was in NY, I'm in TN, and she is in Georgia. This bish is myspace goonin' me from GEORGIA! And then she has a lil bastard baby (yes, bitch got a baby. Of course!) and her lil "myspace friends" sending me hateful messages. LOL! She called herself dumping him but got right back with him the next day. Girl, you stupid! Ain no way in hell I'm keeping Miss Kitty on lock for an entire year for some nigga I have never met! Are you for real?!

See, I told yall Alec wanted some damn damsel in distress and that I wasn't it! Little Miss White Trash actually needs him. She is younger than Alec and I, has a baby, no college degree, and apparently needs his money. I don't need his shit, I am a college graduate (bachelors, baby!), I don't have any children, and everything I have I literally bought myself. Mommma didn't get this for me!

Men who want to run game need a silly hoe who has never had anything because a smart, independent woman just won't do. And, Baby, you betta believe my ass is SHARP and SOLO. You ain' gettin' shit past me. Wish you would! HA!

But I will admit that at first I was upset because my ego was hurt. I mean look at me! Who would pass ME up for some fugly pink meat? But, like I said, an unattractive silly chick will only do for Alec and his shenanigans. I'm too woman for him. He had to downgrade:)

And just think. I bet Alec's fat ass has women all over the South claiming that he loooves them. Bless their poor ignorant souls. I asked why he did it and he said "I don't know. Guess I'm a predator and I prey on the weak." Baby, you MUST mean that white heffa because I AM NOT THE ONE.

So now I am sangle and manglin:) I feel no guilt and these last 3 months that I am home are for fun and games. I will not be held down and I have someone(or shall I say someones? teehee) in my sights already...

"Can't no body hold me down, can't no body hold me down! Oh no! I gotta keep on movin'!"

I am happy yet again:)

~Sailor Taylor

Okay, Nephew, Trying This Again...

I accidentally gave you the wrong blog address. Whoopsie! Lol. It is I spelled "Taylor" wrong. It is not "tailor" but "taylor", like the last name. So go to "Add" at the bottom of your profile and add me.

That should do it! Thanks:)

~Sailor Taylor