Friday, January 29, 2010

And I Swear: 1.27.2010

I hate I missed writing yesterday, but my day was chock full of Life:) I am happy.

January the 27th, 2010 is a day that will forever live in infamy for me. That is the day I was sworn into the United States' Navy, the best Navy in all the land. I still cannot believe I am officially a Sailor, even if I am a Sailor without a uniform.

I reported to the Military Entrance Processing Station, packet in hand, at 0750 with instruction to be there at 0800. I was on time (because being early is being on time) but the people who spent the night at the hotel got there before me. I would have gone to the hotel myself but I had to work Tuesday. I suppose I will experience that right before I ship off to boot camp. And, anyway, I live very close to MEPS. Anything else would have been a waste of everyone's time.

I got there and had to go through the run around because MEPS wasn't quite ready to see me, but I got my papers worked out and everything.

Then I spoke with a Petty Officer about my job selection. And like my recruiter said, the PO tried to talk me out of the job I really wanted because of my credit score. But I told him I had to at least try for it regardless of my score..

Things are so hazy. I was there for 6 hours filling out stacks of papers, signing contracts, and getting finger printed among other things. But I talked to a Chief on the phone in some state about the job I wanted and my credit score/ report. Long story short, it was up to him to approve me for the CTI job and he did:D I got the job I wanted. I was in such disbelief! I had to test extremely well on the ASVAB, pass the DLAB, and meet a series of requirements and I did.

Shortly after lunch, I was sworn in. There were 6 of us, two women including me, both of us Black. We were in a small round room with about 7 different large flags in it, wooden walls, and bright red carpet. A civilian worker informed and showed us of how to stand at parade rest and attention. I'll never forget that. That's when I first learned how to stand "military style", lol. But he also gave us papers about how the Red Cross can help our family members reach us in boot camp, should we need it. We also got papers about what can get us kicked out of the military, including emphasis on homosexual/ bisexual activity. Then we were told about desertion, AWOL, and other things. When he left, we were told to stand at parade rest and that the next time the door opened would be when we needed to snap to attention. He left. We were at parade rest. The door opened and we quickly went to attention.

A female Lieutenant told us "at ease" and stepped up on the small stage to the podium. She gave a short, serious but casual speech. She told us that of all America, only 2% answer the call of duty. And of those 2%, only 1% make it through MEPS. We were that one percent. And I was one of the very few qualified for and actually able to get CTI..

She called us to attention again and told us to raise our right hand. We did so at a 90 degree angle, as previously instructed by the civilian.

I can't even remember what she said, but I stated my full name and repeated it verbatim lol. After that, we were officially U.S. service men and women.
And even though we have yet to go to boot camp, we would be in worlds of trouble if we didn't show for our ship date. So we have a tiny bit of responsiblity. Our *contracts* state this lol.

But she then lead us out the room to get out picture taken. After that I had to notify the Navy office in the building that I was sworn in and all done. I got my stuff and then headed to work, where I made some pretty damn good tips, if I do say so myself:)

Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but I signed my contract with my finger print. How CRAZY is that?! Ha! But oh well. I meant it. I love it:)

Okay, so my official job title is ATF/ CTI: Advance Technical Field- Cryptological Technician Interpretive.
Is that not some bad ass shit, or what?! Man, I cannot wait. I have a lot of hard work ahead of me and I say BRING IT!

I ship out in August for boot camp and after several weeks, once I graduate from boot camp, I hit California for 2 years while I learn whatever language they want me to at the military's linguistic school. My GOD, I am so happy and ready for this! I got 7 months to live up my old civilian life as I know it and then it's on to the next level, next life, next adventure, next everything. I don't need Ladarrius. I don't miss him. I have ME and I thank God for everything.

This is true happiness:)


Oh yeah, I added stairs to my running outside routine. Can you say OUCH?! Lol! But my legs are gonna look so FEIRCE! Muuuuuah!

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