Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Body Electric

Well, I can't sleep worth a damn so I thought I would blog about my body. Hopefully that will put me to sleep lol.

No man has ever prompted me to actually lose weight like the Navy has (yeah, this is another Navy blog. Just go with it. It has already done a lot for me and molded me into something completely different). When I first decided to join I wanted to be an officer and that meant passing a physical requirement/fitness test. At that point in time I was a size 13, 5 foot 3, and about 183 pounds. I never admitted those numbers to myself when I was that weight because I knew it was baaaaaad. But people do get comfortable and waist lines do expand. And, Honey, I was quite comfortable lol.

But the Navy required me to run 1.5 miles in under 4 minutes, and 21 push ups and 54 sit ups in 2 minutes a piece. My chunky, yet curvy, ass couldn't do ANY of that. So it was time to put in work.

I started working out and took Phentermine pills and I lost the weight, but not the right way. So it came back. Then, as I neared graduation and crunch time, I started to actually research what I needed to do and how. It's a science, yall. Especially learning HOW to run and what to eat before and after workouts as well as how often.

Long story short, I am now 164 pounds:) I still need to be about 155 according to the Navy's old ass requirements, but I'm not going to worry about that. They can take my measurements:) And those are now 36- 29- 40. Ha! Lil Momma got a bad shape on her and I'm a size 11. Eat your heart out. I am Black and Beautiful. I love my shape and size even though I want to get a tiny bit smaller. And by that I mean tone up more, so I may actually get heavier because of muscle mass.

Speaking of muscle, I can now crank out the requirements for that PR test.. Just about lol. If only I were actually taking it and going officer. Oh well! But sit ups seriously hurt my back. They should be out lawed! Lol. The push ups are no problem and I can do more than 21 of course. And running? Well. I can't quite do 1.5 miles in under 14 minutes, but I can run about 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. I'm short and that's going at a leisurely jog on the treadmill, damn it! Lol. I'm done making excuses for myself. But I now run outside on concrete and that crap is something serious.

But my body is changing for the better. I have little, defined pectorial muscles that I can make jump from under my breast tissue. My biceps and triceps are getting larger, especially the latter due to push ups. And my big legs are slowly turning into big, shapely legs. But they will always be big. I stop traffic with 'em:) and my waist is more defined as my love handles have dwindled.

I'm not working out as hard as I was at school because I don't have a gym, but I will get back to it. Its just a matter of pushing myself. Because it is all me. I workout alone too. And I think that speaks volumes about my drive and ambition:)

Okay, well that's my cue to hit the sheets. Later.


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