Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Got the Call!!

I was told by my recruiter that all quotas for Navy enlistment had been met for the month of January. Therefore, I was impatiently waiting for February to enlist, wondering what I would do with myself until then.

But then today as I was running errands, about to get on an elevator, I got a text from my recruiter telling me to call him right then. So I did, and due to the fact I was in a damn elevator, I had to wait 11 agonizing floors, plus serval stops in between, until I could be certain I was hearing correctly. My recruiter asked me "What are you doing Wednesday?" I replied, "Nothing. I'm off." And to which he said "You want to join the Navy on Wednesday?"


I, being the polite Southern Belle I am, did not want to scream and jump as to not alarm my fellow passengers. But internally my soul was airborn. Did I just get word that I was to be sworn into the United States Navy the day after tomorrow (seeing as how it was Monday)?! I was purely dumbfounded! Words cannont express my joy and disbelief. It's going to happen so soon! After all this wishing, dreaming, and wanting I am finally getting and receiving!

Today I am to meet with my recruiter to go over paperwork before my swearing in. I will be alone. I dreamed of my sister and neice and nephew being there to experience it and take pictures but no. And that's fine. I have conquered the majority of major milestones alone and that's fine. In the end, all we have is ourselves anyway..

But I am happy beyond all measure:) Now it's all about hurrying up and waiting. I may be in Memphis for up to a year due to the wait and depending on the job I get, which will be something that has high advance rates. I ain stupid, yall lol:)

But yeah, I want to do CTI: Cryptologic Technicians Interpretive. And that's just a fancy way of saying being a linguist lol. I have to get a security clearance for that and I pray I get it. The only thing that would hold me back would be my debt, and I pray to God that will not be so. But what a way for the past to come back and bite you in the ass, huh?? Help, Lord!

All right well that is all for now. I figured I would save the world from another long ass blog entry of mine lol. But I will be back later today/ tomorrow with more updates..

I'm joining the Navy, yall!! Yeeha:)


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