Sunday, February 21, 2010

Closer to My Dreams

I haven't written lately because I have been experiencing some financial issues, changes in lifestyle, and my job(s) status. And when I am down in any kind of way, I often don't feel the urge or want to blog or brag about myself. I feel like crap, to be honest. Here I am "grown" and having trouble with getting back on my feet and staying there. It's a damn shame that should not be.

But with so much on my mind and me plotting and planning my next moves and steps so I can simply survive, my dreams have been in over drive. So much occurs in them that I can't keep track of everything. But I was able to remember a few key elements that spoke volumes when interpreted.

I Googled "Rivers" and "Hair", preferably "Combing My Hair", the only things I remembered from my dreams. It sounds crazy now, but what I found pretty much hit my subconscious spot..

"River- A sign to go with the flow, if you are not sure what to do. Or perhaps an indication that you might have to leave something behind if you are going to cross to the other side, hence changing your attitude to an emotional situation."
I remember looking down at dark, but clear, flowing river water. The sun was shining on it bright and harsh, as if it was a cold winter morning. And with what I was going through, I had no choice but to "go with the flow." Obviously I couldn't fight the fact I lost my night job or fight the fact I was struggling with my rent. I just had to go with my reality and make plans from there. I had to leave behind the lifestyle I was used to living and even a few material things to adjust to this "dark," meager period in my life. And that's what I did. Its not easy, but I am making it and realizing what is truly important and actual necessities.

The second dream I remember somewhat vividly involved me holding a comb that was full of my hair. I had combed my hair and it was full of shedded strains. I didn't think anything of it because even though I have a shaved head, I am growing my hair out 1 inch so I can get some microbraids. But it was A LOT of hair in the comb. But, anyway, I'm thinking that me being so consumed and impatient with my hair growth was the reason for my vane dream. But it did stick out/ I remembered it for a reason. So I thought it wouldn't hurt to google dreams about combs and hair..
"Dreaming that you are combing, stroking or styling your hair, suggests that you are taking on and evaluating a new idea, concept, outlook, or way of thinking. You may be putting your thoughts in order and getting your facts straight. A more literal interpretation suggests your concerns about your self-image and appearance..

Hair symbolizes thoughts. Refer to specific hair types, conditions, and colors for specific interpretations. When people dream of hair, it's usually the hair on their head. The obvious meaning is grooming and appearance, but on a deeper level, it signifies thought and the conscious mind... OK, hair comes out of your head. Hair grows out of your head so it symbolizes something important that comes out of or from our head. That thing is IDEAS. Ideas, thoughts and the thinking process. Hair most commonly symbolizes ideas - your ideas..

Comb: If you dream of a comb with all of its teeth it means that difficult business matters must be resolved soon..  

Combing Your Own Hair:  You must take immediate action to resolve a current problem."

Yep, that all sounded correct lol. Even though my dream may have involved my vanity to a certain extent, there was a deeper meaning. I had so much on my mind. So many thoughts running through my head.. I had major issues that needed to be resolved that dealt with how I was going to get my next meal, where I was going to get gas money from, and what was I going to do with my financial and job situations..

All that was running though my head and my dreams reflected that. Crazy...

This entry is long enough, but what I mean to say is that Dreams mean something. They mean a lot. I'm always looking for a sign or trying to figure out what God is trying to tell me and dreams are a sure fire way of figuring things out. My sister has crazy, foretelling dreams too. But she's just more in tune with readin people. Moreso than I am. But maybe Dreams runs in our family on our Mother's side..
And there were even dream interpreters in the Bible, so it's okay to wonder and seek guidance from our subconscious minds. Of course, my dreams don't foretell the future, but one day they might. And one day yours might:)

Pay attention to what your dreams are trying to tell you. Get a lil "closer to your dreams" for a better understanding:) Knowledge is power.


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