Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Very First Delayed Entry Program Meeting:)

So, before I talk about today, let me start by saying that I went to my recruiter's office on Tuesday to pick up me DEP folder as opposed to our scheduled meeting on Monday because of the "snow storm" we had that day (lol at Memphis and our lack of knowing how to cope with winter weather). I entered the office as usual and learned that out meeting would be scheduled for today (Thursday) and that my DEP folder would be ready then. As I was leaving the office, Wooddard (one of the Petty Officers) asked me if my recruiter showed me how to enter and exit the office..

I was like "Huh?!?" I'm thinking "How am I SUPPOSED to enter and exit the office?!? I can't just walk my ass in??" But Wooddard assured me that I would find out Thursday in a voice that was all too calm. So calm that I was a bit horrified, lol. I don't like being in the wrong or ignorant about things or not the very best at everything (I'm slick competitive lol). So I went on Facebook on the women's Navy site, and asked about what Petty Officer Wooddard was talking about.

Apparently I was supposed to step just inside, turn and salute the US flag, turn and salute my recruiters and say "Future Sailor Taylor, requesting to come aboard." They then salute me back and grant me permission to "come aboard", which friggin' means come in the dame office lol. I then do the same thing, but backwards when I am leaving and say "Future Sailor Taylor, requesting permission to go ashore.." They salute me and then I go. And "ashore" means to go on land. It's a no brainer, I tell you.

So I ran this by my recruiter, who told me that now that I knew what I was supposed to do that and if I messed up then I would be make to "push the deck", which are push-ups, or whatever else they thought of..

I'm like FUCKIN' WHAAAAAT?! I'm supposed to know HOW and then get punished when these guys have literally shown me *nothing* and I had to find out on my own what I'm supposed to do?? Naw, man, naw! But then my recruiter said that they would show me ONCE and after that my ass would get it if I messed up. I was nervous as hell then. Having anxiety and everything lol.

So I came in today and Wooddard showed me what I was supposed to do. It wasn't hard, but out of my comfort zone. And I want to be good at everything in the Navy, so I was especially nervous. I always am nervous when I really care about something and want to be really good at it..

So I did that, filled out *even more* damn paper work for my DEP folder, was given important info to remember about the Navy, and then it was time for me to go. It wasn't really a meeting because of the President's Day holiday coming up, so I just filled out my papers..

But I knew I was going to fuck up the damn exit salute when I left. I just knew it. I did not have everything down pack.

So I messed up. And Wooddard made me do the slowest, most painful push-ups and "hold its" (where I hold the up and down position of a push up) imaginable. My arms were shaking. I couldn't even do 5 slowly when I can do at least 22 fast. He was fucking with me, of course. But that's how it will be in boot camp, but A LOT worse. *Tear* I didn't even wear the right bra for all that. I called myself tryna wear my cute pink, lacey push-up for a nice, round life. But my tits were poppin' out and some mo' shit! It looked like I had 3 titties lol!

Eventually he just let me go. I couldn't do what he was asking for. My ass and hips were too heavy and my lower back was killing me. I kept falling down. And my arms shook so! But now I know how I need to practice doing push-ups. I felt the burn. It was nice. But semi-humiliating. And I'm sure he was gazing at my delicious ass as I was executing the exercise. Ah, oh well. Let 'em look. I just want to be a great and successful Sailor Taylor:)

My next DEP meeting is next month. I have ass loads of stuff to study. My Navy career is riding on this and I'm excited:) More later.


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