Monday, April 19, 2010

Almost Boot Camp Bound and The New DEP-CO

Forgive me for not blogging as often as I know I should and would like, but sometimes it takes A LOT for me to blog from my lil bitty ass Blackberry with these long ass acrylic nails. That's what I get for being girly =/

But, ANYWAY, about a week or so ago around 10:50 AM on a Friday, I was getting ready to go to work when I got a call from a number I didn't recognize. My fear of bill collectors was overpowered by my curiosity and I answered the phone. Long story short, it was one of my Recruiters asking if I wanted to go to boot camp. Like RIGHT THEN. He said it could be next week on some time this month but a slot had opened up for a female to go to RTC. I had wanted to go to boot camp early previously when I found out my ass would be waiting for about 7 months, but those dreams vanished when it looked like I would be in Memphis for my entire waiting period. So I adjusted my life to those 7 months. I am on a 7 month plan, yal! But I thought about it and was very torn for a moment. It was a split second decision that I was asked to make right then and there. How's THAT for fleet training, eh?? Well, after quickly running the options through my head, I had to decline. I was SO tempted but I have way too much unfinished business here. I want to see my mom who is sick with Dementia in Ohio before I go, I want to get in better shape(which I am, kinda), I want to work on my swimming, and I really want to meet Alec before I go. I mean if I don't meet him this summer when he comes home, it will be over a year before I get that opportunity again. And would be with a long ass, dangerous Afghan war in between. I didn't wanna miss that. All I have is this summer to meet him. This summer is guaranteed. But he and I had been having some troubles (that's an entirely different blog altogether) that I knew actually meeting one another would fix. So I sadly said no;(

But that phone call was the shock I needed to get my shit together. Like, it made everything real. I have to get my shit together, yal! What if they had said it was now or never and I HAD to leave? I would have no choice but to go and suffer the consequences of not being ready when I have has since January to get it together. So I am studying the needed materials, working out twice a day when my shin permits, and drinking water like a dehydrated elephant lol. The time is NOW.

Oh, and since I could not go to boot camp, I told the recruiter to send that sheisty bitch in my place. The chick I have previously blogged about but didn't give any names. The heffa who is a backstabber and pulled me into her mess.. Yeah, HER. And do you know what?? She's going to boot camp! On April 27th, just a few days from now, she will be fully out of my life and boot camp will set her evil, spoiled, out of shape ass straight! I shouldn't wish that on her seeing how I am going to the same establishment in August, but due to the dishonorable ways she has been leading her life and the Deppers(she brought down moral with her gossip and lies), she will more than get hers. I don't want to be there to see it, because that shit could just as easily happen to me, but I am glad she is gone:)

Oh, and she was the "leader" of all the Deppers. Her title was the DEP-CO, or Delayed Entry Program Commanding Officer. The recruits dealt with her and she then answered to the recruiters. And with me being in a position of leadership under her, I had to text her about once a week, in which she tried to "make nice" with me. Whatever, sneaky bitch!

But with her being out the picture soon, someone had to take her place... And guess who is the new DEP-CO?? IT'S ME, SNITCHES!!! Mu-hahahaha!! Lol, I wasn't looking to get the "position" and I kinda didn't want it because of the responsibility that came with it, but the recruiters gave it to me. And now I am obligated to do right by them and "my" recruits. Lord, Help! The fire is really under my ass now lol. But so far all is good. I simply relay information and little stuff like that. But I want to be ready for when I really have to do something... This may be a lil fake/ play position for some, but I view this as practice for the "real" Navy and if/when I become an officer...

SO BRING IT!! I welcome this challenge and then some:)

~*Sailor Taylor*

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