Monday, April 19, 2010

This Chick is Decommissioned

As soon as I start feeling well enough to start back working out from having a sodium-induced headache that lasted an entire week, I get sick. Awesome.
Not really:(

After that phone call in which I almost got shipped out to boot camp, I told myself I would start doing Two-a-Days (or working out twice a day, that is) to get in better shape faster.. And to counter act my still horrible eating habits.
So as soon as I get to working out before work and after in addition to PT with the Navy, my shins start shutting down on me and that crap huuuuurrrrtttss!! It feels like my muscle is being shredded away from the bone, and it basically is. So I had to take it easy on my runs. I pretty walked two miles and limped out another. Barely. I mean as I type this my legs are crossed at the shins and the pressure from that hurts as well. It is so tender to the touch. I HATE when my shins shut down on me.

I hate this! :( Soon as I get the drive to do right and I start to see a TINY bit of muscle definition under all this fleshy meat on me, I get sick and injured. Shit:(

But maybe what I need is rest after all. I have no choice BUT to rest. And hopefully this won't set me back and have me being lazy again when I finally feel better.. No, I won't let this stop my progress. Not permanently.

But now I must heal;(

~*Sailor Taylor*

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