Thursday, April 1, 2010

What A Mighty Good Man

I didn't plan on Alec happening. In fact, he is everything I didn't want and was adamant about no longer having in my life. He's in New York in the military; and after my ex in the Navy I vowed to never date another long-distance, military man ever again. I wasn't so sure how that would work with me being in the military myself but I knew I didn't want another man in uniform. I guess I would have a civilian man; a civilian husband. But Alec is in the Army, hundreds of miles away and due for another deployment.
The college educated survivalist in me did not want someone with less than a bachelor's degree to be the head of MY household. I wanted an intellectual equal. But Alec has an associates in business and that's all. Far from what I placed my ideals on. And I don't think that was bougie of me...
I told myself I just wanted fun before I went off to boot camp. Yeah, I could get a boyfriend, but I would just leave him before I left anyway. I wasn't going to be in another long distance military relationship knowing what I know about how they operate and all the hurt, lies, and shit I went through before. But Alec is more than just light hearted fun. That was my intention, but I now pray to God he is The One. I want to be with him always, I think.

No, I initially didn't want Alec. But I prayed and asked God for Happiness and He sent Alec:)
And here I am, head over heels in love with this guy. A man I have never met. But stranger things have happened, have they not?

I wasn't even trying to give Alec ANY time of day. I set up a profile on Plenty of and started chatting with him via that website but I'd already met one boyfriend (who ultimately turned out to be crazy) and was really only humoring Alec. But he was persistent and kept showing back up on Yahoo IM and chatting with me. He offered me advice on life and the military and kind, encouraging words when my then boyfriend failed horribly in those areas.

And soon enough I was single again, up to my single tricks, but Alec was still around and growing on me. We hadn't even heard each other's voices when he offered a life with him just in case the Navy didn't work out with me. His reasoning was that way I would still have the military as a part of my life and him as well. I would be a military wife as opposed to military personnel..
I thought he was bat-shit crazy! Lol, but was dumbfounded that a man I barely even knew would offer his world to me like that.

So now that Alec and I have officially been together for several weeks after several months of chatting and texting, I thank God for him. I'm not saying that I have not messed up, because I have. In horrible ways I cannot mention here. But I have tried to push him away and catch him in lies and cheating so I can "get it over with" as far as us finally going south/ on the rocks. It always gets bad after while, doesn't it? Nothing ever stays in the honeymoon phase. But Alec keeps coming back, reassuring me that he loves me and wants to be with only me and is faithful to only me. He supports me, gives me kind words, has my picture as his cellphone wallpaper lol, and even tries to take care of me all the way from upstate New York. The man loves me in ways I have never been loved before and it freaks me out but I pray I am ready to accept a challenge such as this..

We are making plans to see each other in early May if we can get all our little kinks worked out. We had a mini fight/ disagreement yesterday that was pretty much about us butting heads because we are each so independent and used to getting shit done in our own ways. We are leaders. But that's not one of the aforementioned "kinks" I spoke of; that was just a gateway for us to talk about how we compromise for and with one another. We're over that hurdle now:) But other little shit may hinder me from seeing him. Alec says to trust him and let him take care of this but I HATE sitting there doing nothing. But if I don't get to see him I will be SO hurt and it will SO be his fault lol.
But I really, really, REALLY want to see Alec before he goes off for training in another state or, God forbid, goes off to Afghanistan. Don't get me wrong, I will STILL be with Alec while he's on deployment and I'm in boot camp/ CTI school for the Navy, but is it too much to ask to want to actually meet my Love in person first?? Lol! This is such the age of technology. I have never met this man and I am crazy about him:)

I don't know what the future holds for us, but God placed Alec in my life for a reason and I welcome him with arms wide open. I'm not afraid of this anymore and still wanting to sow my wild oats. I think I got that out my system but we are still new, summer is around the corner, and CALIFORNIA is in my sights:) Lord help me and us! I just pray this is all WORTH it and we do right by one another. So I, and HE, accept this challenge placed before us: a dual military, headstrong, long distance relationship composed of two independent leaders. Bring it! =)

~*Sailor Taylor*

P.S. Alec wants kids. Oh well! Cause I ain' havin' SHIT! Lol.

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