Sunday, April 4, 2010

Wait, So I'm NOT In The Navy??

I keep hearing from various naval sources and people I interact with that DEPpers are not "officially" in the military.

Did I not get sworn in? Did I not biometrically sign my 6 year contract with the Navy with my fingerprint? Yes, a *fingerprint.* It was just that serious.
And am I not held to all civilian and military rules and codes of conduct now? I am. I can get kicked out the Navy now for screwing up, even if I haven't gone to boot camp yet. And the correct term is "kicked out." But how can I be kicked out of what everyone says I am not a part of?

But a shipmate of mine, or a "future shipmate" I guess I should say, told me this on Facebook: "As for not being must face it... until you lose the 'Recruit Ball Cap' your last week of boot camp and receive the 'Navy Ball Cap' at the are not official."

What kind of funky ass shit is that?! I would think by boot camp at least I am "in", but NO! Ugh, this is SO Assbackwardia.
I mean, how is THAT for motivation? Yes, I want this more than anything (Alec is next in line. I wanna marry him=)), but this is disheartening. I feel a fool for saying I am in the Navy now and like a poser when I wear my DEP shirt. But I know in my heart I am in the Navy. This too shall pass. And that will be when I graduate boot camp. But until then, I will keep on keepin' on!

~*Sailor Taylor*

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