Sunday, July 18, 2010

How The Mighty Fall, Revisited

At PT this past Thursday, I got some interesting news from a fellow DEPper that was then confirmed by my recruiter.

Remember Elle, the former DEP-CO who I cannot stand? Well guess what?
She got kicked out of boot camp and, therefore, The United States Navy.


It's one thing to be subjected to Karma's wrath, but to have THAT happen to you? Daaaaaaamn. She got kicked the fuck out the best Navy EVER! And it will forever be on her record for the rest of her LIFE. Wooooooow.
Damn. I'm speechless.

Yeah, sure, hateful people should "get what they deserve," which is what I was hoping would happen to Elle while she was in boot camp. You know, get whipped into a better person. She was horrible, just HORRIBLE. But I always thought they would "straighten her out" at RTC. And that was it. It never occurred to me that she just wouldn't make it through boot camp period. That's messed up!
But she was an awful person. Perhaps boot camp wasn't her punishment/karma, but getting kicked out at the very 1st step of the Navy when she thought she would make it to the ranks of Chief (HA!) and ultimately fail at life was her punishment. Hmmm! Something to think about, right?

But my recruiter said that she got kicked out (medical discharge) because of her legs (stress fracture/ shine splints due to her lazy ass never running at home) and attitude. He said it was one thing to be hurt and push through it and have determination, but another to whine and bitch and moan and give up. And I can totally see her lazy ass whining, bitching, and moaning about she couldn't possibly go on and have mercy on her in boot camp.. But that's just MY thinking.

So while I was shaken up to hear that she got kicked out the Navy/ boot camp and feared that I would suffer the same fate, I now know that I WILL NOT end up the same way.
Because I am a fighter. You can read my blogs, watch me workout out at 6:30am and loose 6 percent body fat in 2 weeks to know I am a fighter. I WANT this. I have given up TOO MUCH to not have this. I have too much on the line. My life is at stake!
Elle did not feel or act the same way. She was lazy and expected the rest of the world to kiss her ass and fall victim to her simple mind games like those around her and it didn't. The world did not bend and she broke.

But I am conditioning myself for the trials that face me and, baby, you WILL NOT see my black ass come back home without wearing a Sailor's uniform. Believe that. Lil Mama wants this too much!

Now, enough of blogging about someone else's doom and gloom. I don't want God to bring this back on me for being self-righteous and smug. And with 4 weeks left until I ship, it's all about me anyway:)

More later.

~Sailor Taylor

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