Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Pre- Round Two Weigh-In

To start off I want to say that I got some diuretics to get rid of some excess water weight. That HAD to be my issue. I was working out, drinking MAD amounts of water, cut down on my eating, and yet still saw no results. I was getting pretty frustrated and pissed and distraught and every other negative mental state of mind I can think of. I knew stressing wasn't good for me but what else was I going to do? I have 5 weeks left and I am still a "fatty."
And it didn't help that my damn recruiters didn't show up to work out with me like they said they would. I figured they were full of shit and were just talking mess in front of the senior chief. Turns out I was right:( And to top it off, we were supposed to workout together the Friday right before the 4th of July weekend. Like, really?? Yeah, that wasn't about to happen. But silly me, I believed them. Either way, I showed up at the gym when I was supposed to and did my own workout solo.

But anyhoe! After taking Diurex, I had to use the rest room like crazy. And after a shorter workout than I was used to on Friday (I was just plain tired), I weighed and measured myself. Even though my measurements were still the same (shit!), I have lost weight! I lost about 2 lbs. I am down from 172 to 170. Yay for small victories! So maybe it was just water weight? But if that was the case, why didn't I lose any inches?? Hm! Who knows? But I must lose inches! They are sure to follow, right??
But back to my story..

I randomly got called by my recruiter on the Friday I just mentioned (July 9th) saying that my 2nd weigh-in would be on this Wednesday and that I needed to come in the office that day as well. He was in a good mood and I thought nothing of it, so I stopped by the office. And then all hell broke loose.

Both my recruiters were obviously excited and upset and were talking over each other trying to tell me what transpired earlier that day. They were fire hot and with good reason. What happened went a little like this:
Both my recruiters were called down to MEPS for a district/ zone meeting with the new chief over all the recruiters and the people at MEPS. That is where one of the chiefs that I blogged about earlier who SAID he would help me out and keep my weight under wraps ratted me out in cold blood to the new chief. Even though he and the senior chief supposedly agreed to be hush-hush about my weight at my last weigh-in, this guy lied, went back on his word, and reported my weight anyway. And he told the new chief about my weight issue in the district meeting in front the entire district and my recruiters. That back stabber!
Immediately the new chief cut into my recruiters and words were said. My recruiters said they had never been spoken to so harshly. And to make matters MUCH worse, my recruiter, the head recruiter in the office, got demoted because of me. He will still be a recruiter but not the head recruiter, and it's all because I gained weight and he is the one who put me in the Navy. That is a slap in his face. His record is impeccable. He recruits twice as many people as almost any other recruiting office. But none of that matters when it came to my weight. They took the title of head recruiter away from him because I fucked up. And for that I am truly sorry. I didn't want anyone to get hurt on my behalf..

But once they told me all of this, that is when they told me that the chief was coming by the office to talk to me.

So, in a nut shell, he came by and we spoke. I had to FIGHT to keep my ass in the Navy. I was near tears. I DO want this, I just got complacent. But who wouldn't during a 6 month wait? I thought I had more time. I didn't think my weight would balloon out of control like this. I didn't think that ass hole lady at MEPS would measure me and fuck up my numbers (I mentioned her in a previous blog)..
But the chief said even though his ass was on the line as well because of my weight (as in he could get in trouble too for sending a "fat shipper" to boot camp. I resent being called "fat.") he would still work with me. But where have I heard that from?? Yeah. So, it's safe to say that I am not trusting anybody right now, but all I have is this one last chance so I have to take it.. But I knew that if did get kicked out the Navy that day I would have walked my ass on over to the Army office and joined, lol!

But I did almost get kicked out. All the chief had to do was turn my name into Millington and that would have been IT for me. No more Navy. No more $20,000 LRP. No more new life away from Memphis.
But now I have to call the chief and check in with him about once a week. Great.

But get this. Even though I didn't get kicked out the Navy, that chief at MEPS that ratted me out apparently turned my name into Millington anyway and now I am officially on their hit list. An official email was sent out via the Navy's intranet and my name was on it along with many others. That means I am on the bulls eye for getting kicked out due to my weight. "They" are watching me.

And because I was "turned in", the chief had me weighed and measured again. I went down from 171/172 lbs to about 168, according to my recruiters and the what the scale said in their office (I didn't question it!). Also, according to my official measurements from MEPS, I am not 5'2", but 5'2.75". THAT helps a whole hell of a lot!
But after my weight was taken I was sent over to the Army office to be measured by two females because men cannot take female measurements...

Y'all, had my recruiters told me I was going to get measured that day I would have worn underwear. Lol! I was sooooooo embarrassed! But oh well! I don't wear underwear all the time and this was one of those times! Haha.. Well, I guess that whole "wear clean underwear" thing Momma used to talk about came into play at that very moment. LMAO! And once I told the two ladies that I wasn't wearing any undies, they said they would measure me over my pants instead of having me pull them down. They seem slightly shocked, but I know they have run across women who don't wear panties before. Oops:)

Long story short, between both of those ladies measuring me, my hips went down from 43 inches to 40. And with me being 5'2.75", my overall body weight went from 36 percent to 33 percent. Yay! That is a VERY good look for me. I have gone down 3 percent in about a week and a half. But really I haven't. That woman at MEPS that measured me before did a fucked up job and took my hip measurements too low..

But anyway! That's my long ass story. My recruiters got in trouble because of me, I almost got kicked out the Navy, and this Wednesday I have another weigh-in. So pray for me! I have fallen victim to McDonald's recently and I am bloated and feel fat:( Lord help me! Food will be the end of me. So here I am working out in a sweat suit on TOP of my stomach belt and plastic PVC sauna suit and taking laxatives. It is hot as FUCK, but I have to do it. I have to combat an entire life span of improper eating habits in about 4 weeks... IF I really want this. And I do.
Lord, help me!

~Sailor Taylor

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