Tuesday, July 27, 2010

To Do List!

So... I typed this earlier and then the damn computer lost power right as I was about to press "publish post" and I lost EVERYTHING. Needless to say, I am pissed. So this is an abbreviated posting of what would have been before. Sorry:(

Anyhoe! I have 2 weeks and 5 days left until I get to that hotel and begin a new life. And what do I have to do before then?
A lot.

Memorize the General Orders of a Sentry and the different Ranks. I'm late. I know. But what would you do if you had 7 months to wait? Become lazy. Exactly. And besides, I perform well under pressure.. But I do hate studying;( I just have to get in the mindset to do it.. Bleh!

Clean and sell my car.
My poor baby love;( As much as we have been through together, it is time to let her go. She was my last comfort zone tying me to home. I just cannot afford to repair her. And I am surviving without her, so I will sell my lil Nelly Bell. That will be much needed money in my account and funding for my will debauchery my last weekend in Memphis:) My recruiter said that he would buy her off of me but he don't want this damn car lol. She will be more suited for parts and the chop shop:(

Continue to downsize.
I still have tons of crap that I need to throw out but won't because I am "using" it (at least that's what I tell myself) or it is a comfort blanket for me. No one wants to throw out everything they have and own just to start all over again. But that is what I must do.

Get an address book and addresses.
I have to figure out what token few of friends I actually want to hear from in boot camp. And then get their addresses and transfer them to a little black book. Simple as that.

Plan and have my going away function.
At the request of my dear Aunt and my own reasoning, I will be having a going away "gathering." Not a party, because that requires too much crap and not that many people will be invited. But I will be having a dinner type thing at an on and poppin' Mexican restaurant here in town. Invites will be sent out via Facebook and text messages. You know how we do in the 2010, lol..

Well, that's all I got for now. More later:)
I am excited.

~Sailor Taylor

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