Friday, July 30, 2010

Car: Sold!

It was a bitter sweet moment, but I had to do it. She was the last thing tying me to Memphis.
I sold me car for far less than I intended, but I am now that much richer. The car salesman was very greasy and sleazy, I might add. Dealing with him made my choice so much harder.

Oh, and would you believe the day before I sold my car some ass heads STOLE a tire off my poor car in the night?! I came out to get the VIN number and there I saw it: the driver side was jacked up and the front wheel was gone. Apparently, these despicable people had been watching me and saw my car had been sitting there. So they targeted me and took my tire for its rim.

But know this: Any and every time someone takes what is NOT theirs, they WILL be cursed with misfortune. God will have his vengeance.

But, with my car being sold, that is money I have to put food on my sister's table (since I am staying here), 3 months of storage paid off, and funding for this weekend (par-tay!) and my going away dinner. So, while this it bittersweet (she was my first car!), it was needed.
I will miss my baby.

"..As we go on
We remember
All the times we
Had together
And as our lives change
Come whatever
We will still be
Friends forever.."


~Sailor Taylor


  1. have a good time at the party girly and dont worry better things are to come.
