Sunday, July 25, 2010

Military Men, I Bid You Adieu

I will keep this short and sweet.
It is with a fire that smolders deep within me that I write this. For I have had enough.

Of all the military men I have dated, all have ended with the mistreatment of me and my finding out about their various other women via the internet. They know nothing about me and honestly think they are the only ones.
The internet will give you away every single time.

And to this I say I am done. No longer will men of the military have their way with my heart. I have had enough of the hurt, the lying, and the dishonesty.
I have no idea how this will work as I begin my own military career, but I have to heal myself. I'm just tired of their foolishness.

Who knows? Maybe I will be so consumed with my cryptological studies that all I will want and have time for will be a simple romp in the hay. Pure sexual satisfaction. And I suppose that will be enough during that period of my life.

But what I truly want, deep down inside, is a meaningful relationship: something I have not had in almost 3 years.

True, with me leaving a relationship has not been at the top of my doable priorities list these past few months. But I am ready. And I am disgusted with the shenanigans of those men who don a uniform.

So, until my future pans out, I am locking my vulnerability far deep and far away and I bid military men adieu.
I'm throwing them deuces.

~Sailor Taylor

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