Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Recent Navy Happenings..

I talked to my recruiter today.

My IFA, or Initial Fitness Assessment, that I must do before I go to boot camp has been taken care of.

My recruiter and I are due to workout together some time this week or this weekend since he lives right down the street from me. Yeah, right. It's almost a little late for that don't you think? And where have I heard this ongoing lie before? Yeah. Exactly.

My next and final weigh-in before I go to boot camp is August 2nd, this coming Monday. My recruiter said he would come and get me and for that I am thankful because I now live on the other side of town from where my recruiting office and MEPS is. Were he not coming to get me, this may not have been possible.

I still have yet to call the new chief and check in with him. I suck, I know.

I workout 6 days a week now. Sunday is my off day. I was nervous that I would not be able to work out in my sister's apartment complex's fitness room but things worked out. I just walked my ass in and started working out like I lived there lol. And they have never questioned me:)

I seem to have lost weight, but I cannot really tell because I am so critical of myself and look at myself daily. Someone else may be able to see what I can not. Hopefully my progress will show at this next weigh-in. According to the fitness room scale, with my shoes off, clothes on and dripping wet with sweat from my workout, I weigh about 167. That is what I weighed at my last weigh-in and I was in a bra and panties when that was taken. So hopefully I weigh even less than that when I take my clothes off:) And my waist is about 29.5 inches; down from the 30 inches it was before. Now let's just pray that my measurements will be taken correctly this last go around, for there is massive room for error with these things. But we will find out this Monday.

I started back jogging again last week I think it was and today I was full out running on the treadmill. Time to get back at it. My only issue is me getting bored with it. My breathing and stamina seem to be fine. My mind is the only thing stopping me.
And my shin is fine, for those of you wondering:) I ice it down and massage it with Tiger Balm every night in perparation for the next day's run. I am carefuk with how I place my foot when I run as well. That matters a lot. And I don't run on concrete or hard surfaces.
My shin bone feels very lumpy and uneven, and I am sure that is from it healing itself from the splints and fractures I had. But at least it is healed:)

And I still layer it up in my stomach band, sauna/ fat boy suit, and sweat shirt when I work out. The only difference is I don't wear the sauna pants anymore. I just cannot do it anymore lol.

Annnnd that is about it. Not much is going on with me since I am unemployed and trapped in the house for the most part. But I will have more to tell later on.

~Sailor Taylor

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