Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Nightmare That Plague Me

**This is an old post that I thought I had lost. Turns out it was saved as a draft. Yay:) **

This morning, as I attempted to sleep in the wee hours, I experienced disturbing nightmares. I was truly exhausted; my sleep was deep. And because it was, I could not shake myself from what my subconscious mind was telling me was real. I felt this dream. I felt myself desperately wanting to wake up. The mental anguish was there, and yet, I stayed asleep.

I dreamed about losing my teeth. It was graphic, exaggerated, and nonetheless felt very real. My teeth crumbled, fell out, bleed, and frothed and foamed as the exposed marrow could be seen. And as frightening as losing one's teeth in a dream is, it is not new. It is quite average, actually. And seeing as how I am interested in dreams and their interpretations, I had to blog about this particularly gruesome experience. I hardly dream, or shall I say remember my dreams, so when I do, and when they are this vivid and disturbing, I know they are trying to tell me something and cannot, must not, be ignored. It is said that God speaks, but twice in a dream. He has something to tell me.
This is what I found online.

"The next time you dream about losing teeth, before trying to figure out what it means, ask yourself how the dream made you feel. Oftentimes, it is not the dream of the teeth falling out that creates the disturbance to the psyche but the feelings that accompany the dream. There is often a feeling of helplessness, of powerlessness--the teeth are coming out and there is nothing the dreamer can do to stop the process. Sometimes teeth fall out, sometimes they are simply missing, sometimes they crumble away. Whichever way they make their exit, the dreamer is left with not only a gap in her smile, but a hole in her heart when she awakens.

If feelings of loss of control, helplessness or powerlessness accompany your tooth loss dream, the dream is typically acting as a mirror of a situation in waking life. Dreams of tooth loss coupled with anxiety reflect a fear of change, fear of transition. Ask yourself if there is some transition that you are fearful of making.

Sometimes tooth loss dreams point to a fear of failure or embarrassment. In waking life, when people lose teeth, they often cover their mouths when talking or smiling. Is there something you want to do but are afraid of undertaking because you fear you'll look foolish if you fail? Or is there something going on in your waking life that you feel you must hide or 'cover up'?"

After all I have been through these past several days, I just blocked everything out. I didn't really bother with dealing with what had happened to me. I just went with it. And now my mind, my God, is trying to tell me that I need to sit down and process what has happened to me. Often times I just push bad things to the back of my head and don't focus on them. It's too painful. And now even when I sleep I am plagued by negativity.

Truthfully, I am afraid. I have a bold, new life ahead of me that I cannot really process because I don't know how to process it. I don't know what to expect when I get to boot camp. This is an entirely new life that I have only dreamed and watched movies about. I always wanted this, but was a bit afraid. And now I have it. It is rushing towards me and I am excited and secretly freaking out. And every time we as human beings are faced with the unknown, we are afraid of it. I am no different. And, even deeper down in me, I am afraid of failure. I will lose everything and have nothing to come home to if I fail. My Life has cleaned itself out, so I have to rebuild a new one with the Navy. But perhaps because my Life has cleaned itself out, this is God's way of telling me that I will be and already am victorious in my endeavours. I pray so! So I must pass these tests I have set before myself. I will face this head on. My future is dependent upon it.

Something else I found on the net said this:
"Teeth are used to bite, tear, chew and gnaw. In this regard, teeth represent power. And the loss of teeth in your dream may be from a sense of powerlessness. Are you lacking power in some current situation?"

I can definitely attest to feeling powerless and not having control. I was powerless with every negative thing that has happened to me in the past few days. I couldn't do anything but just "go with it." Which is why I am having these nightmares now. Because I have not fully thought my life out. I have not completely thought about where I am and where I am going. I don't want to. Because this sucks. But, apparently, I must. And so I shall.


~Sailor Taylor

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