Friday, July 16, 2010

The Weigh-in, Round Two!

Okay, so I have been putting this blog off due to my life being a *bit* hectic right now with me losing my job and having to move in with my sister and her family.. BUT, since I am unemployed, I have nothing but time on my hands for the next 4 weeks! Lol! I'm just trying to be optimistic here:) But, either way, the blogs will be flowing out of me from now until I leave.

So! This last weigh-in had me in complete shambles. I was stressed, uneasy, tense, worried, and having nightmares about this. I mean, THIS was IT for me. If I didn't make noticeable progress this time around, my ass would be out the Navy for sure. And to top it off I had just lost my job the day before. THAT right there took my motivation for real. That was life changing and I could have just stopped trying right then and there. I was in shock.. But I didn't stop. I was victorious in spite of!

I pulled out all the stops.
I took diuretics, magnesium citrate saline laxatives, and continued to workout in my stomach band and sauna suit. I was doing everything in my power to get this weight OFF of me and make my stomach flat and hips smooth.
I even took to drinking at least one of my meals a day if not two. I have these meal replacement shake thingies that I drink along with eating fruit salad for my meals. It wasn't the most satisfying, but it did the job of filling me up as long as I had tons of water to drink.. Sorta:/

But anyway! The day before my weigh-in, I did a laxative and stopped drinking water around 9pm and took 3 water pills/ diuretics. The next morning I slept in until about 10:30am and got to the gym at 11:30. And mind you I did not eat or drink ANYTHING that morning to keep my stomach flat so it wouldn't bloat.
At the gym, I did a light workout in my full workout gear (clothes, stomach belt, sauna suit, sweat shirt on top of that). It was hard because I didn't drink any water during (again, so I wouldn't bloat) and I was hot as HELL working out in all those layers. Especially with my hooded sweat shirt on top:( But I was careful and aware of how I felt so I wouldn't pass out..

Once I was done I showered and was ready face my fate. There was really nothing else I could do. So I weighed and measured myself on last time in my underwear (yes, I wore some this time! Lmao!) in the ladies' locker room.

The scale said 168. Okay.. Cool. And when I measured myself my waist was 29 inches and my hips were about 38-39 inches..
Cool! Plus my stomach looked super flat like when I 1st enlisted so I was ready!
I dressed and drove myself downtown to MEPS..

Back in the medical section, it was empty as always. But a civilian nurse who was about to leave saw I was just sitting back there alone and she offered to do my courtesy weigh-in.

I was a bit apprehensive about that because she wasn't the Army lieutenant who was supposed to measure and weigh me and I didn't want her to screw me over like the last lady.
I was freaking out but I prayed and went with it..

The nurse kept commenting on how I looked as though I was fit and would pass the requirements. I was praying that if she said that she would not screw me over.. *Fingers crossed!*

So I undressed and she took my weight. The scale said 167. YES! That's just 3 pounds away from the 164 I was when I was sworn in:) And a nice change from the 171 I was weighed at 2 or so weeks earlier.
And then she took my height.. I stretched my neck as much as I could to get more height..
She got me at 63 inches, as opposed to 62 inches. AWESOME!

And then the measurements came.
She somehow got my neck at 14.5 inches as opposed to 13. That's because she measured down around my collar bone. And that turned out to work for me..
She then measured my waist at 30 inches instead of 29. CRAP! I was a bit hot at that but I went with it..
Then she got to my hips and I felt right off the bat the tape was too low. And it was. It was down around my ass and she documented them as being 40.5 inches. Which wasn't too bad considering last time they were recorded as being 43 inches..

Overall, my body fat was *drum roll!* 30 percent! And since the Navy did not count the measurements the Army ladies took of me at my recruiters' office, it looked like I went from 36 percent to 30 in 2 weeks! Awwwwwwwesome! That'll show those guys how serious I am about losing this weight and shipping out! Hell yeah!

The chiefs at MEPS, my recruiters, friends, everyone was happy for me and I was pretty damn proud of myself too! And I was so THIRSTY! OMG, I was dying! After losing all that water I was ready to drink what was left of the ocean after the oil spill! LMAO!

Oh, but get this, MEPS wants me to get back down to where I was when I enlisted, which is at 28 percent body fat. That's not too far away but damnit! I just wanted to be proud of myself for a little bit! But oh well. No time for slacking off!..

Even though I did. I had a Subway cold cut and a Budweiser beer and they were friggin delicious! But back to the basics:(

My main worry now is how I am going to keep this weight off and continue to lose weight while not working. I mean, going to the gym and working kept me active. But now I am unemployed and living on the other side of town from where my gym is. I don't have the gas money to commute out to my gym everyday religiously like I had been before when I lived right down the street from it. So now I have to figure out if I can use the fitness room here in my sister's complex without them noticing I am not a resident here. And if I can't do that, I will have to do push-ups and sit-ups here and get to running around the area..
But the good thing is that my recruiter lives in the same complex as my sister (who I am staying with now) and he said he would PT with me and help me out:) Hopefully his ass ain lying to me this time. Ha!

Okay, I have said enough. Sorry for the delay with this blog. There is more to come because I always have a lot to say! Lol. I'll keep you guys posted:)

~Sailor Taylor

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