Friday, June 4, 2010


Bitch, I will cut yo ass off! Don't play! Some people are not even worth saying good-bye to. I just turn my succulent ass right on around and sashay away, honey! People are not worth my nerves, which they have obviously gotten to if I felt the need to write this angry blog.

But oh well! This needs to be said!

I am burning bridges before I hit bootcamp and, in turn, my new Life. I'm not takin' these tired ass, no good people with me. No ma'am! What's the point? If they weren't for me then, they fa DAMN sure ain't for me now!

Exes, past flames, fishy frienemies/ "friend girls," ALL of y'all can kick rocks. Like seriously. You may now commence to hating me, but you will not take my shine. And you will not make it with me on my Journey. You have been informed, boo.

You see, when you get a life or a goal to strive for, everything else that is not important falls by the wayside. It's just that simple. And I am experiencing that now. Petty people don't mean shit to me. Where I would hang on for dear life to people before, I easily let them go now. No more cling. I don't need you. I realize that now. I have something so much deeper and meaningful than people now: A relationship with myself that I have finally effectively cultivated and the United States Navy. Those are my loves now. Life is too short and I have a lot of living to do as well as a lot to live for. So.. Goodbye. You aren't worth it. Now go cry and lick your wounds. Not being mean. Jus' sayin.' *Kanyeshrug..

..And in case you were wondering what set me off.. Well, you guesses it, two MEN (In addition to other shitty people in my Life from the past)!! Separate occasions, but I can't do it. Not anymore. One was an ex that wanted to get mad at me when he was clearly at fault. How am I NOT supposed to get mad when you fall asleep instead of coming over?? You knew you were scheduled to come over and what do you do? Fall asleep! And he wants to get pissy, bitchy when I cop an attitude. Honey, I can do that! I didn't fall asleep!
And another guy, who was rebounding hard as HELL with me, got mad at me when I called him out about it on Facebook. I tell you, never piss in a Leo's corn flakes! They get angry and curl up on the floor in the fetal position with their thumbs in their mouths like a lil kitten bitch. And that's when you step the fuck over them and keep on walkin'. I ain' gots tha time fa this! I swear I don't. Not today!

Whew! Okay.. I'm back down to earth again. Toodles! Lol;)

~Sailor Taylor

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