Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oh, Military Wives..

Prepare to get PISSED!

I had to do it, y'all. And here I go!..

What the hell did you ladies do BEFORE you married "The Hubby"?? Because some of you all obviously act as if your lives were conceived as soon as you married this man. Never in my life have I ever seen such co-dependent bitchin' and moanin' over another human being. Like seriously? Children are more independent compared to some of you wives. And your husbands better be God because you act like their shit is golden.

Oh, and what is all this self-righteous, self-pity SHIT you parade around with? Honey, you chose to marry a man that will be gone at least half of the time you are with him, if not ALL of the time. I'm so tired of these military wives acting as if they had no choice in the matter of marrying a man who isn't there. I get it. They run the house while he is away. They're "independent," but not really. Because a good ass number of these women don't even work! They stay home and pop out babies and complain some more.. Well guess what? Who the HELL told you to have all those damn kids all by your lonesome?? NO ONE. Stop poppin' out kids, damnit! You are not a Pez dispenser!

Oh, and uh, I know about how some of these "faithful" military wives turn to other women and hit up Craigslist when their man ain home. That's not cool. So.. YOU can have a side piece of the same sex and "it doesn't count," but don't he DARE do that, right? No, ma'am. I'm all for equality and that is a damned double standard! He has to keep it in his pants and therefore so do you! That is CHEATING and it objectifies women. So, you can get your jollies from a woman and it's not cheating? But, if it's not cheating, why won't you tell your husband? Why you gotta hide it?? Ugh! You disgust me!

But anyway, tangent aside, I ran by one military wife's blog who acted as if they were in some damn secret society about who could bitch the loudest. It was sickening. They were like wives of rich CEOs and basketball players who have nothing better to do but sit around and brag about their Men. They were like Kept Women living vicariously through their husbands. I even read where this woman bitched about other military wives calling out their husbands' rank. It was like a damn rank war: whose husband out-ranked the others, whose husband had the most pay, responsibility and respect.

And that shit made me sick to my stomach. My inner, rowdy feminist could not have been more upset and displeased. What IS this SHIT? What did these military wives do before they got married? Because they act completely hopeless..
Oh. That's right. I know what they did before they got married: They were still living at home with momma and daddy.

That's another thing. These damn wives are 18, 19, 20 years of age. They're young as shit! Who the HELL falls in love and gets married at 18?? Bad choice, my friend. Baaaaad choice.
But I get it. The separation makes young couples feel as though they are being torn apart and everything all the more dire. They run with the idea of "absence makes the heart grow fonder" and feel the need to get married RIGHT NOW! After all, they're "in love," right? Yeah, right.

But here's the deal. Military wives are not special. I feel as though they want to be and want to be pitied. But you know what? They should have joined the military themselves if they wanted that shit. It is far more noble and respectable. And you know what? They're actually doing something worthwhile and meaningful.. Or hell, they're doing something PERIOD. Haha. I know. I'm a mess..

Oh, and I was on Yahoo Answers one time researching the military and I happened to run across one lil momma talking about "there should be a code of conduct for military wives." Bitch, please! You are married to someone in the military, not actually IN it. You don't need this "code" you so desperately want. You need a life. The government will not issue your lil fast ass a uniform or a damn badge that says "Military Wifey." Um, I CAN give you a cookie, if you want one, though lol.
But I had to give it to one of the other wives who replied to her; she laid into her. She basically told this lil heffa to get a life because she was feeling herself and her husband a little too much. She was the epitome of living through her husband..

Oh, and of all the military wives I've seen, they seem to be ridiculously in love with their husbands. Like, dangerously in love. Like "this-is-my-whole-life-if-he-ever-leaves-me-or-gets-killed-in-combat-I-will-literally-die" type of love.
Daaaaaaamn, bitch! I don't see other married couples like that! How friggin' weird, man. Friggin' weird.
But will that "love" still be present and strong when he comes home for good? Or will all the thrill, excitement, "money" (cause y'all don't get that damn much money!), and danger be gone and the marriage goes the way of half of all marriages in America: Divorce?? Hmmm.. Something to think about, y'all..

And, in closing (very research paper of me, I know lol), shout outs to Trey Songz for his new video "Yo Side of the Bed" which depicts a military HUSBAND who stays home and cares for house, home, and child while the woman, a soldier, goes off to war. It's an awesome role reversal. It's still a slick pity party with the idea of deployment and all (you knew what you were getting into beforehand!), but it is a nice to see a different story concerning military marriage.. Even if they were an Army marriage and not Navy lol. My humanitarian feminist alter ego was very pleased indeed.

Aight, y'all! I'm done. Need a tissue?? Lol.

~Sailor Taylor

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