Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Water

I have a confession to make:

I am not a fan of swimming.

I know, I know. You all are thinking to yourselves "How the hell did this girl join the Navy and she doesn't like to swim?!.."
Well, stranger things have happened:)
Aaaaaannnd, I would like to note that neither my Mom and Aunt (who retired from the Navy as a Chief) were not very good swimmers(not at all!) when they were in the Navy and when they got out. But I actually think all they had to do in their day was barely wade water. Women weren't allowed on ships then. And I'm sure someone in bootcamp "hooked them up." Lol. Because they sure as hell cannot swim lol.
But there are a lot of people in the Navy past and present who hate the water. And I'm not saying I hate water, because I don't. But I do hate not being the best at what I have been assigned and destined to do. And I believe I have been assigned to the Navy by God and I am destined to be a Sailor. But swimming has never been my strength.

Actually, when I decided I wanted to join I couldn't swim at all. But I knew the Navy was what I wanted to do and a part of joining the military was pushing myself to new mental and physical limits. So I went to the YMCA, paid $90, and took adult swimming lessons. Technically, I learned how to swim. I know all the basics and how to do them. I'm just pretty uncomfortable in the water, and that's because it's so far from my comfort zone. We (my sister and I) weren't raised at the pool, even though my parents were Sailors and mom had access to the pool on base. Every time we went "swimming," my sister and I stayed in the shallow end..

I still do that now. I stay in the 5'6" end and that is deep enough for me at 5'2". There, I practice different strokes, floating, and just trying to get comfortable in the water period. It's like, I KNOW I won't drown because I know how to not drown (lol), BUT I still tense up in the water. I have no idea why I do, but I do. Maybe I'm scared of somehow sucking up too much water. Or maybe I'm just scared of not being the best at something.

So, today, I am buying a new swim suit (it's time for another and this will probably be the hardest part: getting a suit that fits my shape and body) and after I do 45 minutes of cardio, I am hitting the pool. Lord, help me! Because it has been months since I have gone swimming and I am feeling apprehensive about this all over again. But I would much rather at least try to practice my swimming on the civilian side rather than get to boot camp damn near cold turkey. Hell no. I'm sure I'd have a heart attack then lol. My heart couldn't take it! All that water without any prior practice?? No thank you. Thank God I have common sense because not everyone does. Some people show up to Navy boot camp not knowing how to swim, expecting to be shown there.. I guess, honey! Lol. But I will NOT be doing that. I'm off!

~Sailor Taylor

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