Sunday, June 20, 2010

Like the Wind..

This past week I started back running again:) The ellipticle and swimming just weren't cutting it for me..

The ellipticle feels like I'm cheating when I work out. I mean, it's so easy for me. I don't know why but it is. I could up the intensity, but then I would be huffing and puffing out of breath and still not feel any "burn." It's hard to explain, but you get my meaning, don't you? Hopefully??

And swimming? Well. After doing my research I found out that it is GREAT for cardio (and it REALLY is), but for some reason it is not great for losing weight. Like, people have been swimming their entire lives, everyday for an hour, and they still lose no weight. It's uncertain why this phenomenon takes place, but it is a sad truth:( And, sadly, since I have gained 8 pounds since I enlisted (because I'm trapped here waiting to ship!), I need to lose weight more than ever. I was hoping swimming would help me to get better at it AND lose weight but that just won't be possible..

And then I did miss running..

So I started back running:) I called myself starting slow with walking on the treadmill and slowly picking it up to a nice jog. That worked out fine and I ran for 14 minutes after 20 minutes and 1 mile of warming up. And of course I stretched before and afterwards. I did not, however, massage my shin before or after my workout and I should have.

The next day I did the same thing but I don't think I warmed up for as long as I did before and I ran for 15 minutes. Just one minute more..

But as I was running/ jogging the 2nd day I felt my shin starting to hurt again:( It wasn't too bad so I pushed on. The next day I took off from the gym and did my normal Tiger Balm and frozen tilapia regime on my shin, just in case.
And then it hurt worse than it did before the next day. Not too much more, but still more. And I'm not sure if that was because I massaged it too roughly and hurt it that way or what. I doesn't hurt when I stand or walk on it, but it is tender to the touch..

*Le Sigh*

So it's back to the ellipticle machine, swimming, and cycling as well. I cannot risk going into boot camp hurt like I have been risking it before. With 2 months left I just can't take that chance:( This will be hard, because I have learned to love running over the months and I miss it..
And my legs would have toned up so damn nicely too.. Damn. Lord help me.

~Sailor Taylor

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