Thursday, June 3, 2010


Oh. My. God.
OHMYGOD!! Just as SOON as my shin finally starts feeling better (oh thank you Lord!) and I am no longer freaking out that I have broken it and will get medically discharged from the Navy, guess what happens? My damn wisdom teeth start kicking my Black ass with a vengeance! Can I NOT be in pain somewhere on my body for once in my life? Please??..
I know. I'm being dramatic again, but still! This shit huuuuuurts.

My wisdom teeth have been scratching at my gums since I was about 17. They only recently started to grow and actually come in and it's always been like one at a time. But now the last two teeth in the back of my head have BOTH decided to come on in.
Y'all, I am in so much pain I wanna hurt somebody. Or have someone hurt me! Like I am in so much pain I am seriously thinking a punch in my jaw would be better. I can pull off the puffy face look, ya know?? Really, I can..

But I have tried everything from sore mouth/ throat spray, Ora Gel, 800-1,000 mg of Advil (they say it's a muscle relaxer), to even a Loratab a friend gave me(Dontyoujudgeme!). But if you were in pain like this with no outlet, you would start thinking crazy and getting creative with shit too.

But this is affecting my eating, sleeping, and functioning. I literally cannot close my mouth because of the swelling. So I keep my tongue spread out between my two rows of teeth to act as a cushion and buffer. I sleep w/ my mouth open and drool all over my pillows:( And I am suffering from a constant headache/neck ache due to this. I cannot stand having head and mouth pains, y'all!

But beforehand, I would simply use some toothache gel and that would be enough. But I have never had two teeth come in at once. This pain is surreal. And get this: they are coming in crooked and damn near out my cheeks. That's right. I have too many teeth for my small mouth.
And, also, I would simply hit up my nurse friend for pain killers and/ or mini medical advice. But, sadly, he's gone off to Kosovo with the Army because once a month he was also a combat medic. They finally called him up:( And with him went my golden ticket to oral comforts.

But, thanks to a friend on Facebook who read my status lamenting my dental pain(thanks, Pope!), I will be getting my ass up at 5:45am tomorrow morning to make my way to the free clinic downtown. The Church Health Center's clinic starts seeing people at 6:30am in order to set up appointments for later that day. They have a great community outreach program for the homeless and working uninsured who need medical help. And I thank God for them. Because I'll be damned if I go out like King Tut with sepsis of the blood! No, ma'am. Fuck that.

Do y'all see that SHIT?!

But hopefully these nice, kind people can hook me up with some pain killers.. Or some pliers, a hammer and an ice pick. Either one will do:)

*Oh, and for those of you all who have no idea what my title means or relates to, Youtube (yes, it is a verb now) B.Scott. Or, rather, loveBScott. It's something he yells out in times of great peril, lol. Kinda like the peril I am in now, but I love him..

He so purrty!

Alright, Saints! Pray for me. I really, really need it:( Thanks.

~Sailor Taylor

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