Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today two of my Future Sailors/ Shipmates left for The Hotel. This is the last night they will sleep in Memphis before going to bootcamp and officially becoming a part of the US Navy.

And I couldn't be more jealous. I wanna go toooooooooo! Eh. In due time, I guess:( But I digress...


I actually hate that world, ya know? Digress. Ugh. Like, it's such a tight ass word that only up tight bloggers and writers use. We get it. You can compose coherent sentences.. Or at least use the hell out of shift+F7.. Heh-heh>;) *Evil laugh..*
Oh drat! Look at me digressing again! I need to stop..

Anywho! The day before someone ships out to bootcamp they are put up in a hotel next to the airport by the respective branch they are joining/ the government. I'm guessing they do this in order to assure everyone is where they need to be and won't turn into a deserter right before they ship out. That's understandable because people bitch out right before it is time to go, run away, and don't show back up again. It's happened before. People go to the airport and disappear into thin air. Way to dry rape Uncle Sam, huh? How's THAT for role reversal?!

Anyway, "going to The Hotel" is notorious for people getting buck wild and fuckin' right before they ship out. I've heard stories. But young military perspectives are also put up in The Hotel before they take the ASVAB and get processed and sworn into the military. It's another precaution the military takes to ensure their investment in you is well protected. But I guess it can also be seen as relaxing, relating, and reflecting right before drill sergeants get all in your ass for at least the next 9 weeks. I can see that lol.

I personally have not experienced "The Hotel" because the two times I had the opportunity to go I had to work late that night and you have to be in your room, in your bed(although no one ever really sleeps that night because of all the shenanigans taking place) by 2200. Or 10pm for all you civilians:) My old recruiter(before he moved to Cali) told me to just sneak into the hotel and my room after I got off work but the airport is so far from where I stay(it's on the other side of town) and MEPS(where everything takes place) is literally 2 miles away from me, tops. So I simply got my ass out the bed at 0600 and drove down to MEPS. I was scheduled to go to MEPS to take the DLAB and to get sworn in, but I missed both of those occasions:( It would have been nice to experience it and bunk in a room with virtually a complete stranger. You know, to get used to that bootcamp feel of sleeping with strangers, lol. But oh well. I will get to do all that August 16th, the night before I leave Memphis as a civilian and one day return a Sailor:)

But I congratulate my Shipmates, a male and female, and all those to go to bootcamp before me in these next few weeks and months. It brings into perspective the fact that I am not too far behind them. But by the time I get to bootcamp they will have graduated and gone to their respective A Schools, he to SEALS training and her to Master of Arms school. But it's a constant cycle within the military. Everyone is on their own time limits and paths. So I'm right on time..

I have exactly 11 weeks until I go to bootcamp, or 2 months and 3 weeks. Lord, help me make it! In the meantime, will be hittin' this gym(my shin is feeling a lot better!) and studying to keep myself occupied until then, amongst other things. So leggo! Lol.

~Sailor Taylor

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