Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Girl Talk! Skin

So I go through these phases of having absolutely flawless skin that gets compliments from everyone to butt-ugly moments where it's like I am 16 again: all pimply, scarred, and uneven.

Guess what phase I am in now? Yep!

My face looks like a book of Braille:( Even my forehead is broken out and that is normally my "safe" zone. But my chin and cheeks are covered in everything from small, annoying acne to large, painful, under the skin bumps.
I HATE going through this and I have tried Proactive (which didn't work for me this time around on my adult skin), Queen Helene Green Mint Julep Masque (which kinda works but takes time and usage every night), Noxzema (Well, the Kroger version of it, anyway), and Clean and Clear Advantage (which is taking its sweet ass time to work, if at all) to name a few. Nothing is working for me and I am starting to lose hope. I know I need to drink more water but damn. I'm guessing it's all these vitamins I am taking. That has to be it.

But today at work I got to talking with a young co-worker who shares the same problem as I and she said her mom uses Selsun Blue and that it really worked for her.
What? The shampoo?

Well, after a mini break in our conversation so I could sneak off and google this phenomenon I found that it's true! There's some type of acid or something in Selsun Blue and Head and Shoulders that clears up acne. People have been using this home remedy for years. And I have but one question to ask:
Where the hell have I been?!

And with that being said I am cutting this blog off here to go get me some Selsun Blue! Or Head and Shoulders. Which ever one is cheaper:) But I will surely let you all know how it works out for me! People say they have noticed a change in a matter of days and my co-worker says that her brother used it once and after that he never got another pimple..

Bye, y'all!

~Sailor Taylor

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