Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The New Chief and My Weight

I am going to try my best to make this short and sweet. Here goes..

This month's DEP meeting, the same one where I learned of Elle's fate, was a special one. We had a new chief come into "power" over our recruiting office (The last guy was a Senior Chief, FYI) and that meant each and every one of the DEPpers had to have a one-on-one talk with him. It was a mini meet and greet, so to speak.

Since I had to go to work in an hour and I am the DEP-CO, I had the first one-on-one session with Chief. But before Chief got to the office, my recruiters, who had a very serious and skittish air about themselves because of the new chief's pending arrival (he's apparently a hard ass), told me to get on the scale and weigh myself. My weight was something he would be looking at along with my other stats and papers.


I could not hide it anymore. I have gained weight since I enlisted back in January but for the longest I have been lying about it on the paperwork I have to fill out every time I come into the office. But now it was my D-Day. I couldn't do anything but get my big ass up on that scale..

My recruiter weighed me and I could tell he was displeased and astounded.
I had gone from the smaller 164 in January to 172 in June. And I am 5 feet 2 inches.
For once, I had nothing to say.
I mean, I'm still hella curvy, not all fat and gelatinous. My waist is small and my hips are huge. That's like the only thing saving me. But my weight has gone up and so have my measurements. I am still within the weight requirements of the Navy but I am pushing it. My weight cushion was closing in because of the cushion that was growing on my ass..
Oh, and for females entering into bootcamp they cannot have more than 36% body fat. And even that is pushing it. Right now I'm at about 32%.

But, anyway, long story short, I went in and talked to the Chief, who did not seem very imposing at all, I might add. We spoke more of my family being in the Navy and my responsibilities as the DEP-CO and being a leader than my weight. For that I was thankful. But I am still due for a trip down to MEPS to get what they call a "courtesy weigh-in." My recruiters tell me without it I cannot ship because of how much weight I have gained.

But, this IS my own doing..

But what would you do if you had a 7 month wait until you shipped out to boot camp? Laziness is BOUND to happen. But now it needs to go.

As of today, I have exactly 2 months until I ship out to bootcamp. Time to get my shit together all over again. I have started back doing sit-ups and push-ups. I go hard on the elliptical machine (because running is out of the question) and I started spinning (you know, on the Lance Armstrong-type bike) too. I feel the burn and I am getting there. I push myself more and more every day. I stay sore, but I can't really see any results now because I am retaining water at the moment. However, I am getting back to where I was but this time I will be even better! I have come too close to my goal to be getting set back due to my weight or a janky ass shin. My only issue is coming up with healthy, satisfying, and flavorful meals and eating 5 times a day. But that is coming along quickly, too. God willing.
Oh, and I need to cut the alcohol out of my diet and drink ASS LOADS of water. That will be the hardest part along with my eating habits:(

Okay! So I am set to go to MEPS for my weigh-in after the 4th of July since this month is already almost over(Wow!). I will have another update of how I am by then and what goes down at MEPS. Pray for me!

~Sailor Taylor

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